Monday, February 20, 2012

Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Episode 20: Ctrl. A

I love the title of this show "Ctrl. A" because someone needs to control A before she gets out of hand again.

In this episode, the girls meet "Vivan Darkbloom's" friend, and found out that she was trying to get information out of a man who worked at the phone company to find out who A is. A tried to get Aria in trouble by telling Aria's father where she's was really going, unfortunately for A, Aria had a change in heart and decides to watch Holden fight after learning he had a heart problem. Maya, once again, got caught having weed in her room and asked Emily to run away with her to San Fransico. Since A or someone who's #TeamJenna planted some files in Caleb's laptop with the school's information, his computer was confiscated and the lovely Hanna help delete the files that was planted. Spencer, feeling like she has to find out who A is and finds Alison's murderer, ask her new half brother to fork over the money he found in one of Alison's mystery boxes.

The OMG moment's

#1) When Spencer was going to check up and talk to Jason, she say Maya talking to him way in Philadelphia. Is Jason her ex-boyfriend that won't stop texting her? Or is the ex-boyfriend part a cover-up?

#2) When the girls finally met with "Vivan Darkbloom's" friend, he has the name to whoever "A" is not going to tell them until he receives the $2,000 "Vivan" owes them.

#3) Ezra and Aria almost got caught meeting up because of a tip A gave Aria's dad, luckily for them not only did Aria cancel, but Aria's dad did not see Ezra at the window.

The Romance In The Show

It seems like Aria and Holden are getting closer. He rescues her from crazy Noel Kahn, she ditches the love of her life to see Holden fight. I wonder if their going to get with each other.

Caleb shows Hanna his password for his computer. Each letter represents the city he lived in and the date and exclamation point represents the day they first made love. aaawwww :)

Maya wanted Emily to leave Rosewood and run away with her to San Fransisco. But Emily just got back on the swim team, and she doesn't want to leave everything. Maya rushes off, and Emily calls her so they could talk. I wonder if Maya is going to be gone for good? Or stay in Philadelphia with Jason?

Poor Spencer. Her love life is in shambles. Toby isn't around. Wren is in the hospital. And A is making sure she stays alone. And to add everything on top of that her father tells her about how Jason was born. Not only does her love life sucks, apparently it runs in the family.

The Little Victories!!!

A thought she was going to get Aria and Ezra in major trouble. So A sends a note to Aria's father telling him about the restaurant Aria planned on meeting Ezra at. Luckily Aria has a big heart and stays with Holden after learning about his heart problem and wanted to see what he loved doing.

Emily is finally back on the swim team, with Mona's help from the last episode. Not only is she back on, but her team won! Victory party at Hanna's :)

So A or #TeamJenna tried to get Caleb hacking into his laptop, and making it seem like he was hacking into the schools database and taking secret school information. When Caleb tried to hack it, he showed Hanna the password. The next day Caleb had to go to the police station to open his computer, and Hanna and Spencer saved the day by hacking into Caleb's computer and deleting all the school information that was put into his laptop. At the end Hanna and Caleb had their "victory" kiss in front of Officer Garriet...aka #Team Jenna

My Hypothesis

#1) Jason is going to give Spencer the money he found, or Spencer is going to steal one of her dad's checks, and or Spencer's dad would open up Spencer's account after the whole "I'm Mrs. DiLaurneti's baby daddy" incident. And the girls are either going to get a name or an address of who A might be.

#2) A might beat the girls to the punch and buy the information from Vivan's friend.

#3) The address might be either Alison's twin sister is or Jenna's school.

Please feel free to give me your "OMG" moments and your "Hypothesis" or any other comments you may have about the show. Or email me at and I will have answer your questions or put your comments on another blog. Thanks for reading it! Looking forward to your response.

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