Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Episode 4: "Blind Dates"

This episode of Pretty Little Liars is about how Hanna helps "Low-Self-Esteem" Lucas with his date with Danielle. Hanna also gets a break through in the psychologist session, and A was pissed off about it. Aria's little brother Mike is not only blackmailing Aria, but also not playing basketball after school. Emily feels guilty for a letter she intended to give to her mother, while her mother is so happy and spreading the news around like wild fire, she's finally showing some kind of acceptance towards Emily's lifestyle. Spencer's spidey senses is tingling! She confronts Wran to find out where Ian is, and to only have a surprise await them.

MG Moments of the Show

#1 OMG Moment) Now didn't I tell you that Spencer was going to get the ring back. But the OMG moment is when the girls looked up to find a pair of eyes watching them. WTF!

#2 OMG Moment) When Aria ran into Jason at the basketball courts while she was looking for her little brother Mike. Was it me, or was Jason flirting with Aria???

#3 OMG Moment) A seriously lost her marbles!!! She trashed the psychiatrist's office and in read letters put "Nosey Bitches Die". WTF was that all about???

4 OMG Moment) IAN IS DEAD!!!! MURDERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a matter in fact that's the BIGGEST OMG MOMENT ON THE EPISODE!!! Like wow really! And "A" is framing Spencer for it. I mean she put a freakin bullet in Ian's head, and then have an obvious fake note that he killed Alison, and the horseshoe that the pawn guy gave Spencer. I mean that's total brilliance! In a scary psychotic way.

What Really Grind My Gears

#1) Where does Mike gets off blackmailing Aria? Where has he been going for the past few months. For an extra he is really annoying! YOU ARE AN EXTRA MIKE! Why is he so freakin emotional? Boo hoo my dad cheated on my mom. Boo hoo my sister knew the whole time and didn't tell anyone. Boo hoo my mom left the house and my parents separated. Boo hoo my mom is now back in the house trying to make the marriage work. Nothing will ever be the same...WTF MIKE GET SOME BALLS!!! Why are you crying? Fuck, Hanna's dad straight left her and is or was about to get married and she's still not bitching about it? She's moved on. At least your parents are trying to make it work. Mike stop being a baby PLEASE!!! Sensitive and emotional much?

#2) How come the parents could talk to each other and the girls cant? How does that make any sense at all? That irritates me. It already bugs me that they can't say hi and apparently say bye in the school hallway, but goodness. Parents are funny at times. Most of the time their right, but sometimes I'm pretty sure their wrong. LoLz

#3)Spencer is WAY TOO NOSEY! She need to sometimes ignore the "spidey senses" and stop trying to be Nancy Drew or pretend to play CSI. Spencer gets in trouble because she's way too trigger happy and she needs to relax and rationalize. That's what she's good at right???

The Cute Parts of this Episode

Either Lucas is smart or just accidently a genius. I think he purpose put Caleb and Hanna on a date together. I'm glad though. I really think that they need to get back together. Their cute for each other in a weird way. lolz Plus Hanna finally proved that she's not Alison. She did something out of the kindness of her heart. And I'm glad, she showed not only the viewers, but also Lucas that she really cares for him...just as a friend :)

Samara is one smart chick. She saved Emily's ass!!! I loved how Samara took charge when Emily was about to confess and basically fed Emily's mom a bunch of bullshit. Sure it's the truth, and it could happen, but I like the fact she thinks quick on her toes.

My Hypothesis

#1) I think they are going to put Courtney (Alison's crazy twin sister) into the show. I mean I know it's based on the book, but I really believe that's going to happen. I haven't read the book, but I read on Wikipedia that Alison has a twin sister who thinks she's Alison. Also that supposedly she killed Alison and that she's "A" and blah blah blah. I mean I think it's going to happen because on Facebook Courtney has a page. I also think it's going to happen because she's supposed to be crazy and the way "A" destroyed they psychiatrist's office.

#2) Mike is up to something. I don't know what, but I'm pretty sure A is going to hold it against Aria. I mean, I really wonder what he's up to? Drugs? He's in a gang? Hanging out with Noel? What the hell is Mike up to?

#3) It's not a hypothesis, but I was just wondering...where the fuck is Maya? Is she ever going to come back? I mean I know their not, but they completely booted her off the show. I mean goodness, they only had one black chick. I mean there wasn't anything that indicated that her family moved. I mean I know they did because Jason moved back, but they didn't talk about it. I was just wondering. And also what happened to Sean? I mean, that as Hanna's first boyfriend. Now he's MIA. I just find it interesting, that's all.

Please feel free to give me your "OMG" moments and your "Hypothesis" or any other comments you may have about the show. Or email me at and I will have answer your questions or put your comments on another blog. Thanks for reading it! Looking forward to your response.

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