Friday, November 2, 2012

Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 13: This is a Dark Ride

I love Pretty Little Liars Halloween's like treat while their off season!!!!  Plus there was a special guess...Adam Lambert!!!  Who also did a performance.

So this episode was MUCH scarier than the last year.  Like I had to turn on the lights walking to the restroom.  lolz.  Anywho...this episode they get more information about Alison's death and the extra member that was at Alison's house the night she was murdered.  Even though Aria was disappointed that Ezra couldn't go on the train with her as a night, she was some what accompanied by another dude.  Emily went to the train ride party with her girlfriend aka NOT A, Page who was dressed as a groom.  Hanna was the gorgeous Marilyn Monroe, while Caleb was Phantom of the Oprah so  he could see Hanna without A noticing him.  Spencer strolling in with A, I mean Toby, to the party.

The OMG Moments

1)  So tell me why Garret tells Spencer EVERYTHING that happened on the day of Alison's death, even including the part that Aria's father spoke with Alison.

2)  A tried to physically kill Aria and Spencer!  One A member choked Spencer.  Another one drugged Aria, then put her in a box with Garret...but he's DEAD!  If Aria didn't stab whoever A's hand while two members of Team A was pushing the box off the train, Aria could've been dead.

3) Oh shit, the found Alison's body...oh was where EVERYBODY was getting their soda from.

The Scariest Part of the Show

OMFG!  So tell me why a ghost...could be Alison or her twin...was at Hanna's house?   So Ashley (Hanna's mother) saw a girl in the kitchen who asked to call her mother.  Then all of a sudden disappeared and went to Hanna's room?  The scary part about the whole thing is that she was saying how she called her mother who started crying asking if it was a joke.  Then it gets worse!  She talks about her sister being mean and always lying to her mother and not liking to share...especially their DOLLS!  She was a blond little girl with blue eyes...and when Ashley touched her...she was ICE COLD!  When she went to get Pastor Ted, the little girl was gone.  Did Ashley see Alison's ghost?  Or Alison's twin's ghost?

The Romance in the Show

Aria and Ezra seems to be doing fine.  In this episode they only showed him coming to her at the end making sure she was ok because he was going to surprise her at the end of the train line.

Emily and Page are doing just perfect.  Seems like everything is going their way.  The best part is Page gained even more brownie points with Aria, Hanna, and Spencer by protecting Spencer when A was straggling her.

The cat is out the bag.  A knew the whole time about Hanna and Caleb spending time together.  A dressed up like Caleb to trick Hanna and when Hanna took off the Phantom of the Oprah mask, it was another was an Alison DiLaurntis mask...which completely freaked Hanna out.

Even though Toby is part of Team A...when Noel Khan kept bullying Spencer, he pushed him and put Noel in check.  Unfortunately that's how they discovered Alison's body.

My Hypothesis

1) Mona is coming out of the psych ward soon.

2) Ashley is going to figure out who the ghost girl was.

3) More black mails from A is coming their way.

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