Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Episode 24: If Dolls Could Talk

OMG was this episode creepy or what!!! So Jenna can see!!! It was an act to continue her scheming, and this time Garrett is paying the consequences. Aria pulled an Alison by threatening her father's reputation and job for Ezra...unfortunately Ezra is the one who lost his job. Maya is mad at her love Emily, but Emily had to tell her parents...what else was she supposed to do? Let them worry? While Emily plays detective and watches Melissa who might be A, Mona had to kiss her BFF, Hanna's, BF Caleb because A wants them to break up. Poor Spencer, her sister might be A, yet she doesn't want to turn her in. The creepiest thing about the whole episode is how A had that creepy doll in the closet saying "Follow Me and end up like I did." And the ruined the basement of the doll hospital store.

The OMG Moments

#1) The little boy at the doll shop. He was super scary!!! Yet, he knew how Alison died.

#2) When Spencer shows Melissa her the video of her being in Alison's room...how come Melissa threats Spencer and her friends???

#3) JENNA TURNED GARRETT IN!!! Jenna gave the "Missing" Autopsy report to the cops, and Garrett got arrested for the murder of Alison DiLaurentis.

The Romance In The Show

Since when did Melissa and Garrett start dating? I could've sworn he was hung up on Jenna. I guess when went from one psycho bitch to another :)

Aria and Ezra is coming to an end? Did daddy make sure of it by getting Ezra fired? Well maybe that's what happens when daughter threatens parents Now for the first time Aria and Ezra do it. And that's funny how they try to keep them apart, but ended up hooking up.

Why does A want Caleb and Hanna to break up? Well in order to make it seem like A is getting her way, Hanna came up with away. Mona and Caleb had to fake out a make out and made sure Melissa saw to see if she's A.

My Hypothesis

#1) Spencer and the girls aren't going to turn in that video because of "recent cop development"

#2) Jenna and the girls are going to team up.

#3) A made sure that the old lady closes the shop.

Please feel free to give me your "OMG" moments and your "Hypothesis" or any other comments you may have about the show. Or email me at respondingtojoe@aol.com and I will have answer your questions or put your comments on another blog. Thanks for reading it! Looking forward to your response.

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